Moonshot Research and Development Project
Development of Multi-lock Biopolymers Degradable in Ocean from Non-food Biomasses


0303確認用 - Research

Research SubjectResearch Organization
Research and development of marine degradable multi-lock biopolymers from inedible biomass Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Development of Non-Food Biomasses Based Biodegrade Rubber Compound in Wear Particle for Tire Bridgestone Corporation
Development of highly degradable polyester-based multi-lock type bio-tough polymer and its fibers Teijin Limited / Teijin Frontier Co.,Ltd.
Development of strong and degradable biopolymers for fishing nets  KUREHA CORPORATION
Development of multi-lock polymers with complete biodegradability and practical toughness The University of Tokyo
Research and Development of Degradable Supramolecular Polymers with Both Multi-lock Mechanism and Toughness The University of Tokyo
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Multi-Lock Biopolymers and Development of Data Base of Polymer Dissociation and Fracture The University of Tokyo
Research and Development of Multi-lock Biopolymers Using Metal Oxide Hybrid Cluster Catalysts The University of Tokyo
Structure and Properties of Multi-lock Biopolymer during the Environmental Degradation Research Center for Negative Emission Technologies, Kyushu University
Analysis of Degradation Behaviors of Bio-related Polymers in Underwater Environments and Development of Their Control Methods Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University
Precision Structure Analysis of Polymeric Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation X-rays Kyoto Institute of Technology
Visualization of higher-order structure and intermolecular interaction of polymers by terahertz and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy Kobe University
Development of Degradable Polymers Based on Plant-Derived Renewable Resources Nagoya University
Control of Higher-Order Structure and Toughness of Marine Degradable Polymers through Polymer Processing Yamagata University
Development of Multi-Lock Biopolymers Degradable in Ocean from Non-Food Biomass RITE (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)
Precision Polymerization of Plant-Derived Monomers for Multi-Locked Degradable Biopolymers Tokyo Institute of Technology
Design and Evaluation of Molecularly Dismantlable Bio-based Polymers Osaka Metropolitan University
Development and Practical Use of Chemically Degradable Unit for Multi-Locked Polymers prepared by Inedible Biomass Shinshu University
Development of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene)-degrading enzyme for establishment of natural rubber biodegradation technology Nagaoka University of Technology
Research and development of multi-scale analysis methods for marine degradable polymers from a hierarchical point of view AIST (National Inst. Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Development of a prediction model for long-term impacts of multi-locked new polymers on the marine environment Ehime University, Graduate school of science and engineering,
Development of evaluation of Multi-Lock Biopolymers biodegradability (CERI) Chemical Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan