- Shogo Ishizaka, Shintaro Nakagawa, Naoko Yoshie ”Computer-Aided Design of Copolymers with Controlled Comonomer Distributions” Macromolecules 2023, 56,18,7312–7319(2023 Sep.)(University of Tokyo)
- Yusuke Yasuda, Shintaro Nakagawa, Hirohiko Houjou, Naoko Yoshie, Hiroshi Morita "Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dynamic Bond Elastomers using Inter-bead Potentials for Entropy- and Enthalpy-driven Mechanisms in Their Dynamics and Mechanical Properties" Macromolecules 2023,56,18,7432–7444(2023 Sep.)(University of Tokyo)
- Reiki Eto, Haruki Mokudai, Takashi Masaki, Hisao Matsuno, Keiji Tanaka "Hydrolysis properties of polyglycolide fiber mats mixed with a hyperbranched polymer as a degradation promoter" Polym. J. 2023, (2023 Sep.)(Kuyshu University, KUREHA)
- T.Noda, A.Tanaka, Y.Akae, Y.Kohsaka "Unsaturated Polyurethanes Degradable by Conjugate Substitution Reactions with Amines and Carboxylate Anions" RSC Advances.2023, 13 (29),20336–20341(2023 Jul.)(Shinshu University)
- Keigo Kawahara, Hisao Matsuno, Keiji Tanaka "Aggregation states and segmental dynamics of poly(methyl methacrylate) in nanofiber mats" Langmuir 2023, 39(20),7192–7200(2023 May)(Kyushu University)
- Hironobu Watanabe, Masami Kamigaito "Direct Radical Copolymerizations of Thioamides To Generate Vinyl Polymers with Degradable Thioether Bonds in the Backbones" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145,10948-10953(2023 Apr.)(Nagoya University)
- Yoshimichi Andoh, Shin-ichi Ichikawa, Tatsuya Sakashita, Kazushi Fujimoto, Noriyuki Yoshii, Tetsuro Nagai, Zhiye Tang, Susumu Okazaki "An exa-scale high-performance molecular dynamics simulation" The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158(19)194803(2023 Apr.)(University of Tokyo)
- Tomoya Kataoka, Mamoru Tanaka, Arata Mukotaka, Yasuo Nihei "Experimental uncertainty assessment of meso- and microplastic concentrations in rivers based on net sampling" Science of The Total Environment 2023,870:p.161942(2023 Apr.)(Ehime University, Tokyo University of Science, Saitama University)
- T. Noda,Y. Kohsaka "素反応開発による生分解性プラスチックの新しい合成法" 海洋汚染問題を解決する生分解性プラスチック開発~分解性評価から新素材まで~ S&T出版 第2編 第2章第1節(2023 Feb.)(Shinshu University)
- M.Uchiyama, Y.Murakami, K.Satoh, M.Kamigaito "Synthesis and Degradation of Vinyl Polymers with Evenly Distributed Thioacetal Bonds in Main Chains: Cationic DT Copolymerization of Vinyl Ethers and Cyclic Thioacetals" Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.62(4),e202215021(2023 Jan.)(Nagoya University, TIT)
- Hirofumi Hinata, Michinobu Kuwae, Narumi Tsugeki, Issei Masumoto, Yukinori Tani, Yoshio Hatada, Hayato Kawamata , Atsuomi Mase, Kenki Kasamo, Kazuya Sukenaga, Yoshiaki Suzuki "A 75-year history of microplastic fragment accumulation rates in a semi-enclosed hypoxic basin" Science of the Total Environment vol.854 158751(2023 Jan.)(Ehime University)
- Kazuyoshi Takahashi "Molecular cluster analysis using local order parameters selected by machine learning" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 658-672(2022 Dec.)(AIST)
- M.Uchiyama, Y.Murakami, K.Satoh, M.Kamigaito "Synthesis and Degradation of Vinyl Polymers with Evenly Distributed Thioacetal Bonds in Main Chains: Cationic DT Copolymerization of Vinyl Ethers and Cyclic Thioacetals" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023,62,e202215021(2022 Dec.)(Nagoya University, TIT)
- Adchara Padermshoke, Tomoko Kajiwara, Yingjun An, Mamiko Takigawa, Toan Van Nguyen, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Yutaka Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ito, Sono Sasaki, Atsushi Takahara "Characterization of photo-oxidative degradation process of polyolefins containing oxo-biodegradable additives" Polymer, 262,125455(2022 Dec.)(Kyushu Univ. K-NETs, KIT, JASRI, Yamagata Univ., RIKEN SPring-8)
- F.Takano, M.Hiratsuka, T.Aoyagi, K.Takahashi "Local order parameter that distinguishes crystalline and amorphous portions in polymer crystal lamellae" The Journal of Chemical Physics 174507(2022 Nov.)(AIST, Kogakuin University)
- S.Ishizaka, S.Nakagawa, N.Yoshie "Control of Mechanical Properties of Multiphase Copolymers Based on Sequence Design Hydrogen-Bonding Diol Monomers" Journal of Networkpolymer,Japan Vol.43, pp.253-261.(2022 Nov.)(University of Tokyo)
- Natsuhei Suzuki, Daito Suda, Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan, Namiko Gibu, Nguyen Lan Huong, To Kim Anh, Daisuke Kasai "Characterization of Latex-Clearing Protein and Aldehyde Dehydrogenases Involved in the Utilization of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) by Nocardia farcinica NBRC 15532" Microorganisms, 10(12):2324(2022 Nov.)(Nagaoka Universiy of Technology)
- K.Saro, M.Kamigaito "植物由来ビニル化合物の特徴を活かしたバイオベースポリマー開発" milsil, 15(6),15-17(2022 Nov.)(TIT, Nagoya University)
- R.Kawatani, T.Noda, Y.Aae, Y.Kohsaka "Vinylidene Monomers Designed for Chemical Recycling" NIPPON G0MU KYOKAISHI vol.95 issue11, p.319-325(2022 Nov.)(Shinshu University)
- Mateusz Z. Brela, Yuliia Didovets, Marek Boczar, Harumi Sato, Takahito Nakajima, Marek J. Wojcik "The hydrogen bond interaction dynamics in polyvinylphenol: Studied by Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics" Chem. Phys. Lett.,139976(2022 Oct.)(Jagiellonian University, Kobe University, RIKEN)
- M.Saito, K.Ito, H.Yokoyama "Film thickness and strain rate dependences of the mechanical properties of polystyrene-b-polyisoprene-b-polystyrene block copolymer ultrathin films forming a spherical domain" Langmuir, 125302(2022 Oct.)(University of Tokyo)
- Yuma Morimitsu, Hisao Matsuno, Yukari Oda, Satoru Yamamoto, Keiji Tanaka "Direct Visualization of Cooperative Adsorption of a String-like Molecule onto a Solid" Sci.Adv., 6349(2022 Oct.)(Kyushu University)
- T.Kajiwara, YingJun An, A.Padermshoke, A.Kumagai, H.Marubayashi, Y.Ikemoto佳, K.Jinai, A.Isobe, A.Takahara "Characterization of Microplastics by Advanced Analytical Techniques" BUNSEKI KAGAKU 71(10/11),541-547(2022 Oct.)(Kyushu University, Tohoku University, JASRI)
- A.Takahara、T.Kajiwara "マイクロプラスチックの化学" 化学と教育2022 vol.70 issue10, p.480-485(2022 Oct.)(Kyushu University)
- Hiroto Asano, Nami Ueno, Yukihiro Ozaki, Harumi Sato "Temperature-dependent structural variations of water and supercooled water and spectral analysis of Raman spectra of water in the OH stretching band region and low-frequency region studied by two-dimensional correlation Raman Spectroscopy" J.Raman Spectrosc, 1669-1678(2022 Aug.)(Kobe University)
- Yang M., Guo, X., Ishizu, M., Miyazawa, Y. "The Kuroshio Regulates the Air–Sea Exchange of PCBs in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Environmental" Science & Technology, 12307-12314(2022 Aug.)(Ehime University, Pusan National University, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
- Ryoya Kamiki, Tomohiro Kubo, Kotaro Satoh "Addition–Fragmentation Ring-Opening Polymerization of Bio-Based Thiocarbonyl l-Lactide for Dual Degradable Vinyl Copolymers" Macromol. Rapid. Commun., 2023,44,220053(2022 Aug.)(TIT)
- Min Yang, Xinyu Guo, Miho Ishizu, and Yasumasa Miyazawa "The Kuroshio regulates the air-sea exchange of PCBs in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean" Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 17, 12307–12314(2022 Aug.)(Ehime University)
- Zhiye Tang, Susumu Okazaki "All-atomistic molecular dynamics study of the glass transition of amorphous polymers" Polymer, 254,125,044(2022 Jul.)(University of Tokyo)
- Toan Van Nguyen, Toshiteru Nagata, Kosei Noso, Kenshiro Kaji, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Taiki Hoshino, Shinichi Sakurai, Sono Sasaki "Comparison between Ultrathin Films and the Bulk of Microbial Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) with Regard to Their Melt-Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics" Macromolecules 14, 6076–6089(2022 Jul.)(Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
- Jin-Hyeok Hong, Haruki Mokudai, Takashi Masaki, Hisao Matsuno, Keiji Tanaka "Water-Induced Crystal Transition and Accelerated Relaxation Process of Polyamide 4 Chains in Microfibers" Biomacromolecules, 3458-3468(2022 Jun.)(Kyushu University, KUREHA)
- Sota Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kubo, Kotaro Satoh "Interlocking degradation of vinyl polymers via main-chain C–C bonds scission by introducing pendant-responsive comonomers" J. Polym. Sci.Volume60, Issue24, 3435-3446 (Front Cover)(2022 Jun.)(TIT)
- Riko Kashima, Tomohiro Kubo, Kotaro Satoh "Hydrophilic Bio-Based Polymers by Radical Copolymerization of Cyclic Vinyl Ethers Derived from Glycerol" Chem. Commun. Vol 58, pp.8766-8769 (Front Cover)(2022 Jun.)(TIT)
- Y.Kobayashi, A.Ishigami, H.Ito "Relating Amorphous Structu(e to the Tear Strength of Polylactic Acid Films" Polymers, 14(10), 1965, 11 pages(2022 May)(Yamagata University)
- Huiqiang Lu, Harumi Sato, Sergei G. Kazarian "Effect of Tm of blend components on the isothermal melt-crystallization process of PHB/PLLA blends investigated using spectroscopic imaging and DSC" Polymer, 124820(2022 May)(Imperial College London, Kobe University)
- Namiko Gibu, Dao Viet Linh, Natsuhei Suzuki, Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan, Masao Fukuda, To Kim Anh, Nguyen Lan Huong, Daisuke Kasai "Identification and transcriptional analysis of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) degradation gene in Rhodococcus sp. strain RDE2" Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 133(5):452-458(2022 May)(Nagaoka Universiy of Technology)
- Zhu J., Shi J., Guo X. "Interannual variation of a bottom cold water mass in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan" Ocean Science, 659–673(2022 May)(Hainan University, Ocean University of China, Ehime University)
- Shogo Ishizaka1, Shintaro Nakagawa1, Koji Matsuoka, Naoko Yoshie "Tough polymer with a gradual spatial change in the hydrogen bond density controlled by simple one-pot copolymerization" Polymer Vol.246, pp.124748.(2022 Apr.)(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Saitama University)
- S.Ishizaka, S.Nakagawa, N.Yoshie "Tough polymer with a gradual spatial change in the hydrogen bond density controlled by simple one-pot copolymerization" Polymer, 246,124748(2022 Mar.)(University of Tokyo, Saitama University)
- Erika Mitani, Yukihiro Ozaki, Harumi Sato "Two Types of C=O・・ ・HO Hydrogen Bonds a nd OH・・・OH (Dimer, Trimer, Oligomer) Hydrogen Bon ds in PVA with 88% Saponification/PMM A and PVA with 99% Saponification/PMM A Blends and Their Thermal Behavior Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy" Polymer, 124725(2022 Mar.)(Kobe University, Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Y.Kohsaka, R.Kawatani "Novel Polymers for Resource Recycling on the Molecular Level" Journal of Fiber Science and Technology vol.78, p.111–115(2022 Mar.)(Shinshu University)
- T.Nishida, K.Satoh, M.Tamura, Y.Li, K.Tomishige, M.Kamigaito "Model and Terpenoid-Derived exo-Methylene 6- Membered Conjugated Di enes: Comprehensive Studies on Cationic and Radical Polymerizations of Substituted 3-Methylenecyclohexenes" Macromole cules, 55(6),2300 – 2309(2022 Mar.)(Nagoya University, TIT)
- S.Nakagawa,Jun Xia, N.Yoshie "Quantifying the effects of cooperative hydrogen bonds between vicinal diols on polymer dynamics" Soft Matter 18, 1275(2022 Jan.)(University of Tokyo)
- Naoki Ando, Shuntaro Uenuma, Hideaki Yokoyama, Kohzo Ito "Thermally induced disassembly mechanism of ps eudo-polyrotaxane nanosheet s consisting of β-CD and a poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) tribloc k copolymer" Polymer Chem istry 13 , 4, 501-507(2022 Jan.)(University of Tokyo)
- Takako Noritomi, Lan Jiang, Hideaki Yo koyama, Koichi Mayumi, Kohzo Ito "High-yield one-pot synthesis of polyro taxanes with tunable well- defined threading ratios over a wide range" RSC advances12, 7, 3798 - 3800(2022 Jan.)(University of Tokyo)
- Shuntaro Uenuma, Ki mika Endo, Norifumi L Yamada, Hideaki Yokoyama, Kohzo Ito, "Polymer Brush Formation Assisted by the Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Topological Sup ramolecules" ACS Applied Materials & In terfaces, 13, 50, 60446-60453(2021 Dec.)(University of Tokyo)
- Y.Kobayashi, T.Ueda, A.Ishigami, H.Ito, "Changes in crystal structure and accelerated hydrolytic degradation of polylactic acid in high humidity" Polymers, 13(24), 4 324(2021 Dec.)(Yamagata University)
- Takenori Nishida, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito, "Terpenoid-derived conjugated dienes with exo-methylene and a 6-membered ring: high cationic reactivity, regioselective living cationic polymerization, and random and block copolymerization with vinyl ethers" Polymer Chemistry, 1186-1198(2021 Dec.)(TIT)
- H.Taguchi, T.Kikuchi "Accelerated evaluation of biodegradability in seawater by activated inoculum" Materials Life Sciety Japan, 33[3]57-64(2021 Oct.)(CERI)
- K.Satoh, M.Kamigaito "Precision Design and Synthesis of Novel Vinyl Polymers Based on Plant-Derived Resources" Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan, 57 (10), 418-425(2021 Oct.)(TIT, Nagoya University)
- Tulika Sharma, Yoshiaki Nishio, Yuichiro Tamano, Harumi Sato, Isao Takahashi, “Correlation of physical aging and glass transition temperatures in ultrathin polystyrene films supported on SiO2” Polymer vol.230, 124103(2021 Sep.)(Kobe Universaity)
- Miroslaw Antoni Czarnecki, Yusuke Morisawa, Yukiteru Katsumoto,Tomoyuki Takaya, Swapnil Singh, Harumi Sato, Yukihiro Ozaki “Solvent Effect on Competition Between Weak and Strong Interactions in Phenol Solutions Studied by Near-infrared Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 19188-19194(2021 Sep.)(Kobe University)
- Atsushi Nishimae, Harumi Sato "Study of Co-crystallization and Intermolecular Hydrogen Bondings of Poly(glycolide-co-l-lactide) Copolymers by Terahertz and Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy" Macromolecules, 6440-6448(2021 Jun.)(Kobe University)
- U.Andriolo, G.Gonçalves, N.Rangel-Buitrago, M.Paterni, F.Bessa, L.M.S. Gonçalves, P.Sobral, M.Bini, D.Duarte, Á.Fontán-Bouzas, D.Gonçalves, T.Kataoka, M.Luppichini, L.Pinto, K.Topouzelis, A.Vélez-Mendoza, S.Merlino "Drones for litter mapping: An inter-operator concordance test in marking beached items on aerial images" Marine Pollution Bullet, 112542(2021 May)(INESC LifCoimbra, Ehime Universaity)
- Dong M, Guo X. "The Intra-tidal characteristics of tidal front and their spring–neap tidal and seasonal variations in Bungo Channel, Japan" Remote Sensing 13, 1840(2021 May)(Ehime University)
- Mao Nochi, Yukihiro Ozaki, Harumi Sato "Water-induced conformational changes in the powder and film of ε-poly(L)lysine studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopy" Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 119900(2021 May)(Kobe University, Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Huiqiang Lu, Harumi Sato, Sergei G. Kazaria, “Visualization of Inter-and Intramolecular Interactions in Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Poly(L-lactic acid) (PHB/PLLA) Blends During Isothermal Melt Crystallization Using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) Spectroscopic Imaging” Applied Spectroscopy, 75, 980-987(2021 Apr.)(Kobe University)
- Tatsuro Nasu, Yukihiro Ozaki, Harumi Sato, “Study of changes in water structure and interactions among water, CH2, and COO? groups during water absorption in acrylic acid-based super absorbent polymers using Raman spectroscopy” Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 250,119305(2021 Apr.)(Kobe University)
- A.Takahara "Importance of Fundamental Polymer Science of Microplastics" Polymers Vol.70, pp.12-15(2021 Jan.)(Kyushu University)
- Yumiko Yamamoto, Hiromichi Hoshina, Harumi Sato “Differences in Intermolecular Interactions and Flexibility between Poly(ethyleneterephthalate) and Poly(butylene terephthalate) Studied by Far-Infrared/Terahertz and Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy" Macromolecules, 54, 2, 1052-1062(2021 Jan.)(Kobe University)
- T. Nishida, K. Satoh, M. Kamigaito, "Biobased Polymers via Radical Homopolymerization and Copolymerization of a Series of Terpenoid Derived Conjugated Dienes with exo-Methylene and 6-Membered Ring" Macromolecules 2020 25(24), 5890(2020 Dec.)(Nagoya University, TIT)
- Huiqiang Lu, Sergei G. Kazarian, Harumi Sato,"Simultaneous Visualization of Phase Separation and Crystallization in PHB/PLLA Blends with In Situ ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging" Macromolecules 2020, 53, 20, 9074–9085(2020 Oct.)(Kobe University)
- Lan Huong Nguyen, Hoang Dung Nguyen, P. Thao Tran, Thi Thuong Nghiem, Thi Thanh Nguyen, Viet Linh Dao, Trung Nghia Phan, Anh Kim To, Masashi Hatamoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Kasai, Masao Fukuda, "Biodegradation of natural rubber and deproteinized natural rubber by enrichment bacterial consortia" Biodegradation 31, 303–317 (2020 Sep.)(Nagaoka Universiy of Technology)
- Gibu, N., Arata, T., Kuboki, S., Linh, D.V., Fukuda, M., Steinbüchel, A., Kasai, D., "Characterization of the genes responsible for rubber degradation in Actinoplanes sp. strain OR16" Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 104, 7367–7376 (2020 Jul.)(Nagaoka Universiy of Technology)
- 安藤翔太 プラスチック成形加工学会第34回年次大会 優秀一般ポスター賞(2023 Jun.)
- 平野聖來 第72回高分子学会年次大会 優秀ポスター賞(2023 May)
- 熊野舜 第72回高分子学会年次大会 優秀ポスター賞(2023 May)
- 高坂泰弘 令和5年度文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞受賞(2023 Apr.)
- 吉村奨起 第72回高分子学会年次大会 優秀ポスター賞(2023 May)
- 的場馨 名大鏡友会賞(2023 Mar.)
笠井大輔 天野エンザイム科学技術振興財団酵素応用シンポジウム 研究奨励賞(2023 Jun.)
- 數實治己 第38回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム 優秀口頭発表者(2022 Sep.)
- 菅野南花 第38回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム ポスター賞(2022 Sep.)
- 安藤翔太 第71回高分子学会年次大会 優秀ポスター賞(2022 Jun.)
- 河原聡平 第71回高分子学会年次大会 優秀ポスター賞(2022 Jun.)
- 田島怜奈 第71回ネットワークポリマー講演討論会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞(2022 Oct.)
- 田島怜奈 JACI/GSCシンポジウム GSCポスター賞(2022 Jun.)
- 田島怜奈 第71回高分子学会年次大会 高分子学会優秀ポスター賞(2022 May)
- 瀬川智明 若手フロンティア研究会2022 極低温部門賞 ポスター賞(2022 Dec.)
- 豊永通成 第59回化学関連支部合同九州大会 ポスター賞 (2022 Jul.)
- 高原淳 高分子学会 名誉会員(2022 Jun.)
- 江頭麗稀 11th GSC SYMPOSIUM GSCポスター賞(2022 Jun.)
- 田中敬二 令和4年度文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞 研究部門(2022 Apr.)
- 的場馨 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科修士論文発表会 鏡友会賞(2022 Mar.)
- 加島璃子 The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference 2022(PPC-17) BEST POSTER AWARD(2022 Dec.)
- MIALDEA MOLINA Andrea 第71回高分子討論会 高分子学会 優秀ポスター賞(2022 Oct.)
- 神木遼也 関東高分子若手研究会2021年度学生発表会・交流会 優秀ポスター賞(2022 Mar.)
- 數實治己 第37回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム 優秀発表者賞
- 鹿野友美 第37回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム ポスター賞
- 齊藤雅之 第27回CERI最優秀発表論文賞 (2021 Nov.)
- 安藤 翔太 第30回ポリマー材料フォーラム、ポスター賞 (2021 Nov.)
- 鹿野友美 第70回高分子討論会 優秀ポスター賞 (2021 Sep.)
- 石坂祥吾 第70回ネットワークポリマー講演討論会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞(2021 Dec.)
- 石坂祥吾 第11回CSJ化学フェスタ2021 優秀ポスター発表賞(2021 Dec.)
- 石坂祥吾 IUPAC-MACRO 2020+ Online Short Talk Student Award (2021 May)
- 鈴木康介 触媒学会奨励賞(2021 Mar.)
- 坂田勇樹 優秀ポスター発表賞(東海高分子研究会学生発表会)グリセロールを原料としたシリル保護ラクトンモノマーの開環重合と脱保護誘起型分解反応(2021 Dec.)
- 村上幸大 日本化学会東海支部長賞 環状チオアセタールを用いたリビングカチオン重合による分解性ビニルポリマーの合成(2021 Mar.)
- 日向博文 愛媛大学学長賞(2021 Jul.)
- 加島 璃子 第70回高分子学会年次大会 高分子学会優秀ポスター賞 (2021 May)
- 神木遼也 第11回 CSJ化学フェスタ2021 優秀ポスター発表賞(2021 Oct.)
- 高坂泰弘 高分子学会関西支部主催 第67回高分子研究発表会(神戸) ヤングサイエンティスト講演賞(2021)
- 北河大葵 東海高分子研究会優秀発表賞「水系における共役置換反応を用いた高分子主鎖切断反応」(2021)
- 菊地貴子 第70回高分子学会年次大会 ポスター発表 広報委員会パブリシティ賞
- 内山有紀 第10回CSJ化学フェスタ2020 優秀ポスター発表賞 植物由来二環式ケトンのアニオン重合およびラジカル重合(2020 Dec.)
- 吉田捷人 東海高分子研究会優秀口頭発表賞 植物由来イソソルバイドを原料としたビニルエーテル型二環式ジエンの制御カチオン重合およびラジカル共重合(2020 Nov.)
- 高原 淳 高分子の劣化・安定化と環境問題 京都大学高分子化学専攻セミナー (2022 Jan.)
- 高原 淳 Reducing Chemistry’s Environmental Footprint “Microplastics” Pacifichem 2021 Networking Hour 2 (2021 Dec.)
- 高原 淳 マイクロプラスチックとは 福岡県立修猷館高校出前講義 (2021 Nov.)
- 加 三千宣, NHK全国 ザ・ライフ「人とプラスチックとこの世界 ~九州 海辺の風景~」(2021 Nov.)
- 加 三千宣, NHK九州・沖縄 ザ・ライフ「人とプラスチックとこの世界 ~九州 海辺の風景~」(2021 Oct.)
- 加 三千宣, 毎日新聞 別府湾の記録(2121 Jul.)
- 加 三千宣, NHK四国 「現代」の新時代区分定義へ 研究の一環で愛媛大が調査(2021 Jun.)
- 加 三千宣, 朝日新聞 「人新世」地質時代に加わるか 別府温泉前の海底に痕跡(2021 Jun.)
- BioJapan2021への出展 【】革新的バイオプロセス「RITE Bioprocess®」により 世界最高水準の生産性を達成している各種バイオ燃料やグリーン化学品の生産技術等を BioJapan2021 にて紹介 出展者名:公益財団法人地球環境産業技術研究機構 (RITE)/グリーンケミカルズ株式会社 (GCC)(2021 Oct.)
- 菊地貴子日刊工業新聞 33面掲載「海洋分解性プラ評価:実海域・ラボ大きな差」(2021 May)
- 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 伊藤研究室 化工日「複数の刺激で生分解」(2020 Dec.)
- 高原 淳 マイクロプラスチックはどのようにして生じるのか 第14回 FiaS Monthly Café(2020 Dec.)
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